Thursday, November 3, 2011

Off again!!!!

Wow this has defiantly been one of the CRAZIEST summer and fall of my life!!! Let's just say I have had some insane times and really struggled through a lot, however through it all I thank God I have such an amazing God who really is there when I feel like I have washed up on a stormy and deserted island, and I am the only one for miles.

God has brought people into my life that I can honestly say have changed my life forever and that I know we will have disco parties in heaven together!!! However at the same time through the rough circumstance it has also shown me what people really think about me and my family and reveals their true character. It's tough to see people you thought were friends and family turn their back on you when you feel like the world has grasp you by the ankles and is intent on sucking you under. At points you thrust out your hand for help only to find it rejected making you feel has if some one had stuck a hot knife into your chest.

Though in the first month here in Oregon I have gone through a lot yet I would not change this experience and thing I have learned for the world!!! I love Oregon and the new family and friends I have acquired!!! I love having. vibrant fall colors back in my life and colder weather!!! I also got a vintage cheap bike I got off creagslist that I love riding around Corvallis!!!

So here is a time line of my crazy life this summer:

1) My aunt got diagnosed with cancer.

2) My mom got diagnosed with cancer.

3) My grandfather in the east coast passed away...flew to the east coast for his funeral.

4) I moved to Oregon to become an official Oregonian then attend OSU for bioinformatics!!!

6) Got my first wisdom tooth pulled with no one there; no family or friends.

Then with in the last two weeks:

5) My mom was declared cancer free!!!

6) My auntie in cape cod who I grew up with and were really close to passed away.

So again I am off today to the east coast...though not for a happy reunion, no to lay to rest another close relative. Two realities with in two months...just some times when life is hitting you the hardest you just have to hold on to the only thing that anchored me throughout this time and that is that hope that one day I will see them again because Jesus has conquered the grave. I am not trying to sound supper spiritual but really that phrase "Jesus has conquered the grave" has is really the only thing that kept my hands grasping tightly to God though it all.

Though to explain my post title I am writing this post from Portland Oregon airport off again flying!!! I feel like these last few months I have spent more time in the airports the ever before racking up miles and warming airplane seats, because I flew to the east for my grandfathers funeral and now today I leave for my aunts. Though I also flew to Oregon from Arizona to move to Oregon!!! So I have been on a lot of planes in the last few months and I am about to grace the seats of some more this evening on my way to the east!!! So yet again my life is off going 100 miles per 30,000 feet!!!

Thank you guys ALL for being amazing friends through it all. Thank you most to the McMillan's for really making me family and being my family when No one else would!!! Thank you to the Mac church and merandia for being such amazing friends!!! Though thanks so much to my new hiking and insane partner in crime Aud McMillan, and my new outreaching and follow up partner and real inspiration to me Jess Mac!! Though cannot forget my "new" (we'll only for a week though I wish longer) roomie and everyday lifesaver Grave Mac!!! Miss you guys every time I am not in Mac though wait cannot forget my fellow genius and young Einstein Ellen McMillan (hope you feel better my sistaa!!)!!! Though above all thanks to Dan and Christina being my Oregon family!!! :) I cannot even begin the list of amazing things they have done for me and I do not even know how to say thank you enough!!! Though thanks EVERYONE!!!

Though right now I am off and flying again!!! Got to go or I will miss my flight!!

Till again!!!

Insane Jane!!!! :)