Thursday, April 7, 2011

THE Leg...

About a month ago I was rock climbing at the High Tanks and scraped up my leg pretty bad. Cicila (my professor) cleaned me up pretty good and then lectured me and Robin (the amazing new friend from Oregon who went to UO) about touching other peoples blood when we become doctors, and tried to tell us of all the disease that are transmitted though the blood stream.
At the time I thought nothing of the large range of scratches that littered my leg. However when I got home I went to take off my bandages and they would not give. I had to eventually pull the gauze off, which was not non-stick gauze and it was lacking bacitracin. Therefore when I pulled the gauze off it pulled off the skin between the minor scratches. When I saw the sight of it after the gauze was gone, that was when I began to worry...
As time progressed it seemed to be getting better! There was hope that it might be a giant white scare, however things began to go down hill when I stated letting it dry out...the white scar tissue stopped growing and the red skin remained, with its bumps and jagged lines cutting in to the normal skin. Leaving an ugly mess spread across my left leg...

Usually I am proud of my scars, they signify where I have been and the amazing things I have been able to do. However I never dreamed of a scar this big...also when telling a fellow rock climber you got the scar from rock climbing they are less likely to climb with you as they begin to think of you as unsafe and a risk to the team...

One of the worst things is,I know this might seem stupid, though I have not been the nicest looking girl in the bunch with guys waiting in line for a date and now with the scar and my family calling me "scar legs" I feel even more like a freak, and my mom is now always telling me "be glad wedding dress are long"....which is sad...though in my mind I know I will never be able to feel the light fabric of a wedding dress touch my hips or a gleaming vial adorn my head...I no longer dream of the "big day" that will never come, though instead I dream of cities in India and wayward villages in Africa...if only I could go now...All I have left is just praying "God show me your destiny for my life and please let me not stray from its winding and reckless path..."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

In the beginning God (and Jane) created....THE BLOG

It is offical I have converted to the Blogging world...Who whould have ever thought that Jane would conform!!